The AI math platform that guaranteesswoosh better outcomes

Real-time AI math coaching used by 100+ school districts

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Improving outcomes at

+8% growth on end-of-year exams

+14% increase in proficiency on Renaissance STAR

+23% growth on Texas Algebra I STAAR exam

How it works

Personalized AI math coaching for students

Students practice math with AI coaching that reads their works and provides personalized feedback based on their mistakes. Content is aligned to state standards.

Over 100M+ math questions written by our team and fully aligned to state standards and open curricula like Illustrative Mathematics and Open Up Resources

Data-driven small group instruction for teachers

Teachers use real-time data from classroom assignments to form small groups and differentiate instruction on a daily or weekly basis.

When surveyed, teachers cite one-click differentiation as one of their favorite features on Edia. Before Edia, it was challenging to find time to create targeted assignments.

Real-time MTSS interventions at every campus

Administrators use Edia's automatic progress monitoring and adaptive intervention pathway to implement effective MTSS interventions before students fall off-track.

On Edia, standards data from homework, quizzes, and intervention are all connected. So when a student does homework, their adaptive pathway updates in real-time to reflect their proficiency.

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